Gilbert, Nuremberg Diary. Hans Frank mocked Goring's finally gratified ambition: 'Now Goring has finally got his wish - he is speaker No. I for the National Socialist regime, what's left of it!' (ibid.). Gilbert's book offers an endless chain of examples of Goring's dictatorial regime among the prisoners. This went so far that finally the prison administration intervened and Goring was rigorously separated from the other prisoners. See also Kelley, 22 Cells.
In his remarkable though somewhat 'literary' book Das Gericht vertagt sich, Carl Haensel, the Nuremberg Defence Counsel, notes:
'Before the recommencement of the trial Goring reclined in his witness chair and examined the other accused from up in front like an officer about to call the roll, and then said thoughtfully to a colleague and me who were standing close by, "Once I had power, complete power. And I enjoyed it. The others over there have had only a half or a third. Or even less. And it will suffice for us all to ..." The last word he crumpled like a piece of paper in his hands and threw it under his seat. He made the throwing-away movement convincingly and reflectively. The biographer on whom he currently had his eye told me once but not in the witness box and not under oath — that Goring had a permanent blacklist of his enemies in his desk and sometimes in the evening when the burgundy was good and he was in a good humour, he refined it. He added one name and rubbed out another; he then wiped away the flecks of the eraser with the same gesture.'