See Diels, 'Lucifer ante portas': 'Goring acted in
accordance with a primal vision of life in which he trained
himself to throw the spear and shoot with the bow. Down to
the minutest technical detail of the air war such ideas of a
lost heroic age still lingered on. He obviously would have
loved to sail through the air on a wild condor, his overcoat
flowing, hurling a spear at the enemy monster ... "My flyers
are no projectionists and my fighter craft no cinemas": with
these words he once refused to consolidate the supremacy of
the long-range bombers by equipping them with navigational
instruments, which would have given his Luftwaffe a lead.
That ramming was the most dignified form of doing battle he
made clear to his nephew K. H. Goring, who contradicted him
with bluster and himself crashed a few weeks later over
France after an attempt at ramming. Probably his uncle's
rebuke "You are all cowards" was still ringing in his ears.
The sensible young man had rejoined, "If you are suggesting,
uncle, that a war pilot is not supposed to 'think', then we
can indeed ram without regard for casualties. We don't lack
courage for that."
'Think, think.' If we had taken the
trouble to think, we would not have started the war," were
his uncle's concluding words. See also the view of General
Stumpf that Goring prized personal heroism more highly than
technical know-how (Bewley, Hermann Goring).