Note 041
by Joachim C. Fest


'In each of the occupied territories,' so it reads, 'I see the people completely satisfied while hunger is rife among our own people. You are, God knows, not sent back to work for the weal and woe of those in your care, but to force them to the limit so that the German people can live. This I expect from your energies. The everlasting worry about the non-Germans must now cease once and for all. I have in front of me statements of what you propose to deliver. It is absolutely nothing when I consider your territories. It makes no difference to me if you say that your people are starving ... Formerly the whole thing appeared to me to be commensurately easier. For it was called plunder. It was the duty of those concerned to take away what they conquered. Now the procedures have become more humane. Nevertheless I mean plunder and even abundantly . . .'

From Chapter 6, Hermann Goring , Part 2 of The Face Of The Third Reich by J.C. Fest -- See further Notes

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